HEALTHdimitriyahadzhievaFeb 5, 20212 min readWhy is health so important? How to be healthy? Not accidentallyhealth is the thing that we all wish each other for our birthdays orother events. We all say that no matter what happens, the mostimportant thing is to be alive and healthy. Especially now, when Covid-19 is part of our lives, we all have to be reasonable to stay safe andhealthy.But what do we know about health? There are two types ofhealth- mental and physical. What is the difference between thetypes? Physical health is something that people around us can see,but on the other hand- mental health is something more deeplyhidden inside us. Don’t get us wrong when we say “two types”,because they are as similar as different. The first one can affect theother one. For example when we have a broken hand or even a brokenheart and we think about it a lot, it can influence our body and oursoul. What we should and shouldn’t do to stay soundness?There are many ways to stay sound and safe, but some of themare really wrong. Nowadays, so many people take diets with hopethat they can live healthier and happier, but in many ways it’sunhealthier. It can adversely affect our bodies and our psyche. Thebest way to stay fit is to do exercises or practice sport. Physicalactivity in any form is a great way to keep you physically healthy aswell as improving your mental wellbeing. Research shows that doingexercise influences the release and uptake of feel-good chemicalscalled endorphins in the brain. In other words, 10 minutes exercisesevery day are equal to 10 minutes more life. We can also bemaintained in many different ways. Some people like music, so theycan listen or do music to have good mental health. Others feel the same way about art or even reading books-according to their interests.We've already mentioned the right solutions that can help you,and now it's time to share the ones that will hurt you. For instancesmoking has a negative impact on both mental and physical health.Many people with mental health problems believe that smokingrelieves their symptoms, but these effects are only short-term.Everyone deserves to be healthy and we have to be responsiblefor our body and psyche. We must drink more water and we mustn’tstress too much. We just have to eat good food or watch goodmovies. It’s all about us!
Why is health so important? How to be healthy? Not accidentallyhealth is the thing that we all wish each other for our birthdays orother events. We all say that no matter what happens, the mostimportant thing is to be alive and healthy. Especially now, when Covid-19 is part of our lives, we all have to be reasonable to stay safe andhealthy.But what do we know about health? There are two types ofhealth- mental and physical. What is the difference between thetypes? Physical health is something that people around us can see,but on the other hand- mental health is something more deeplyhidden inside us. Don’t get us wrong when we say “two types”,because they are as similar as different. The first one can affect theother one. For example when we have a broken hand or even a brokenheart and we think about it a lot, it can influence our body and oursoul. What we should and shouldn’t do to stay soundness?There are many ways to stay sound and safe, but some of themare really wrong. Nowadays, so many people take diets with hopethat they can live healthier and happier, but in many ways it’sunhealthier. It can adversely affect our bodies and our psyche. Thebest way to stay fit is to do exercises or practice sport. Physicalactivity in any form is a great way to keep you physically healthy aswell as improving your mental wellbeing. Research shows that doingexercise influences the release and uptake of feel-good chemicalscalled endorphins in the brain. In other words, 10 minutes exercisesevery day are equal to 10 minutes more life. We can also bemaintained in many different ways. Some people like music, so theycan listen or do music to have good mental health. Others feel the same way about art or even reading books-according to their interests.We've already mentioned the right solutions that can help you,and now it's time to share the ones that will hurt you. For instancesmoking has a negative impact on both mental and physical health.Many people with mental health problems believe that smokingrelieves their symptoms, but these effects are only short-term.Everyone deserves to be healthy and we have to be responsiblefor our body and psyche. We must drink more water and we mustn’tstress too much. We just have to eat good food or watch goodmovies. It’s all about us!