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How to learn new languages

Authors: Georgi Tartov, Leon Aleksandrov


Some people might say that children learn languages the best. But that doesn’t mean that adults should give up. We did a research about the best strategies for learning new languages based on seven different and interesting principles:

Study the language every day.

People often assert to have studied a language several years and still not be fluent. But when they say “I have been learning English for seven years”, they probably mean that they studied the language for only a couple of hours a week over that entire time period. Let's get one thing clear. If you want to learn a new language quickly, you're going to have to commit to studying the language for a couple of hours per day. Language learning is based on repetition as we know “The repetition is mother of learning” . Repeating something over and over again will force your brain to remember it. If you break too long between study sessions, you are much more likely to forget what you have learned last time and you will waste valuable study time going back over what you've already learned. You can cut down on this wasted time by studying every day. There are no miraculous short cuts when it comes to language learning .

Let technology help you out

As we all know technology has been used for almost everything these days. You can take that as an advantage. A funny thing like resetting language on your keyboard can help you learn new vocabulary . You might have heard about language translators such as Google Translate, Anki, Duolinguo they are gamified approach to grammar and vocabulary for beginner and intermediate learners.

Make new friends

Making new friends can help you either learn and practice new language. You can use platforms such as Instagram, Facebook or Discord. We personally have experience with Discord. The first time I joined discord I made a lot friends , since then my English improved a lot! The best way to practice and master your accent and word pronunciation.

For the gamers

Gaming may not be for everyone. However its one of the best ways teenagers learn English . Moreover it requires faster pronunciation and fluency of the words so you can give helpful and well- considered information to your team mates. We personally are True Gamers and we must admit that our English improved extremely. The majority of people , mostly parents, say that games are waste of time and brain cells but in fact student learn better when they are interested and excited from what they are seeing . Research shows that in a learning test, people who play video games perform better than those who don’t. That’s because gaming appeared to be more active in regions linked with memory and learning.

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